Tuesday, February 28, 2012

the right plane

well it was the plane on the right just not sure if it was if fact "right" plane, you see i have found myself in the country side all alone and rather lost, i guess i will be spending the night in the woods, in the morning i will start heading east and hopfully i find a town

Monday, February 27, 2012

travels begin

so today i thought i would make my way to the airport to find a bigger city where i might find some more of my friends, now wich plane do i take?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

S.M.S Save my soul I would say S.O.S but its just me :(

Hi World, my name is glum and i have just woken up to find i have been abandoned and i am now searching for my family and friends, i have found myself in france and a rather lost, so i thought i would send this message in search of other glums out there, if any glums read this please contact me so we may gather and start the journey to a meeting point i saw written on a card  i found when i woke up, it seemed pretty important, there were pictures of other glums on it :)
 the address said http://www.facebook.com/pages/Deekiki-Dolls-the-Glum-Army/148715181846902 
..i typed that address into google maps but it said no such place existed, im very confused, if anyone knows the way please help :)