Friday, March 9, 2012

want to give Glum a home?

if you would like to adopt me you can go here

my parents

.... so for a few days now ive been travelling to find the place made of stone to try and find the others like me, i've travelled far from the woods..very far and i found the places made of stone, there were many, but there is one paticular story about the many places of stone ive see today i heard alot of hype about a man named tim burton, they say he made others like me, and i found my way to this large building ..there were many people there, i wondered were they all there to see the others like me?... was this my home?...would i find my home there?...when i got inside i saw it was just that...they "like" me but not me :( so i continued and on my way out i found a piece of paper with something interesting on it, this sounds like the stories of where i come from, but it was written by edward gorey, a man who died many years ago now.. so he couldnt be my father either.. was it his brother?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


well today i found a nice bottle of 2005 wine, look at those numbers underneath, whats that that good? :) glum, glum

Friday, March 2, 2012

first encounter

so today as i travelled through the forest i came across some funny looking ladies, they told me they can help me find my friends, they took me to their hide out and filled a cauldron with some strange liquid, they told me to look inside it and i would see where i could find my friends,  what i saw was lots of stone walls, i guess that my go to where there a lots of stone walls...a village..i knew that allready. ppffft what a waste of time that was.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

the right plane

well it was the plane on the right just not sure if it was if fact "right" plane, you see i have found myself in the country side all alone and rather lost, i guess i will be spending the night in the woods, in the morning i will start heading east and hopfully i find a town

Monday, February 27, 2012

travels begin

so today i thought i would make my way to the airport to find a bigger city where i might find some more of my friends, now wich plane do i take?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

S.M.S Save my soul I would say S.O.S but its just me :(

Hi World, my name is glum and i have just woken up to find i have been abandoned and i am now searching for my family and friends, i have found myself in france and a rather lost, so i thought i would send this message in search of other glums out there, if any glums read this please contact me so we may gather and start the journey to a meeting point i saw written on a card  i found when i woke up, it seemed pretty important, there were pictures of other glums on it :)
 the address said 
..i typed that address into google maps but it said no such place existed, im very confused, if anyone knows the way please help :)